LED Display Screen Price
LED displays price vary greatly depending on the factors below.
- The raw materials affect the prices.It has 3 factors
1.LEDs brand has big price gap.
The Japanese and US brand is the first level,price is the most expensive.
Nichia LEDs

Cree LEDs

With the development of technology,the Chinese brand quality is also consistent.It has become a mainstream brand.
Nationstar LEDs is the first level.It is the most expensive.
Nationstar LEDs

Kinglight LEDs is the second level in Chinese which is lower than Nationstar,but it is better than others.
Kinglight LEDs

Rayshine LEDs is the third level in Chinese which is lower than Nationstar,but it is better than others.
Rayshine LEDs

2.LED display driver IC.
The Taiwan brand is the first level,price is the most expensive.
Macroblock LED display screen driver

Chipone is the Chinese mainland first level.
Chipone LED display screen driver

Sunmoon is the Chinese mainland second level.
Sunmoon LED display screen driver

3.LED power supply
The Taiwan brand Meanwell is the first level in fixed LED display,price is the most expensive.
Meanwell LED display power supply

The MEGMEET,HWAWAN,POWERLD GOLDPOWER brand is the first level of Chinese mainland in rental and fixed LED display,due to they have different size of the power supply body.
MEGMEET LED display power supply
HWAWAN LED display power supply
POWERLD LED display power supply
Goldpower LED display power supply

The Chuanglian,G-energy, brand is the second level of Chinese mainland in rental and fixed LED display,due to they have different size of the power supply body.
Chuanglian LED display power supply
G-energy LED display power supply

- Market positioning, product positioning
Seeing from customer
If targeted at high-end customer groups,then the product price will be relatively high.
Seeing from product
Project product price is higher than wholesale product.Custom made product price is higher than the market standard circulation products.
- Product usage factors
- Size: The larger the display, the more expensive it will be. Prices are typically quoted per square meter.
- Resolution: Higher resolution LED displays with smaller pixel pitches will be more expensive.
- Indoor vs. outdoor: Outdoor displays need to be brighter and more durable than indoor displays, which makes them more expensive.
- Features: Some LED displays may have additional features, such as front maintenance or weatherproofing, which will increase the price.
Here’s a general idea of how much LED displays can cost:
- Small, low-resolution displays: These can start at around $100 for a simple seven-segment display.
- Large, high-resolution displays: These can cost tens of thousands of dollars or even more.
If you are looking for an LED display, it is important to consider your needs and budget carefully. Once you know what you need, you can get quotes from Topstar sales@topstarled.com to find the best price.